Help, we are so different



Conflict is a natural part of life because we are all unique. How we deal with conflict, however, makes all the difference.



  • Constructively Managing Conflicts and Differences
  • Prevention Is Easier Than Remedy
  • Seeing Conflicts as Opportunities
  • Potential for Conflict
  • Communication and Sex
  • Different People, Different Needs
  • Thwarted Plans and Unfulfilled Expectations
  • Different Ways of Doing Things
  • Focusing on Strengths
  • Adapting Your Parenting Style to Suit Your Child
  • How Have We Learned to Handle Conflict?
  • Avoiding Arguments Through Good Communication
  • Recognize and Admit Anger
  • Let Off Steam – But Do It Right!
  • Discover the Source of Your Anger
  • Approach the Other Person Right Away
  • Finding a Good Solution
  • Discovering What Escalates Anger


Personal Testimonies:

  • One of Us Is Always a Foreigner
  • Pearl Divers of Culture
  • The Challenges of Cross-Cultural Living


Key Phrases:

  • Conflict is a natural part of life.
  • Conflicts are potential growth points in our relationships.
  • Previous behavior patterns have the potential to create conflict.
  • Different parenting styles can harbor explosive material.